Eldar vs Chaos Space marines
My second game was against Crimson slaughter. 1200 pts (odd right?)
My army
Wraith Guard w/ D-scythes, wave serpent twin-linked Shuriken cannon and holo fields.
Wraith Guard w/ cannons, wave serpent twin-linked Brightlance and holo fields.
Vyper Squadron (3) w/ double Shuriken cannons
Wraithknight w/ Suncannon and scatterlaser
As you may see, I don't have the new codex yet. I KNOW! weird right, but right now I don't and want to spend 53 EUR on a stupid book.
So bear with me.
Deployment We got Vanguard and Purge the Alien. I deployed in the flank in my zone because I had so much terrain on my side and I wanted to deny him that. |
He began to move his entire army towards me. |
I'm not sure what he was trying to do but his plane bikes went up little too close. |
His cultists that was suppose to be a thorn on objectives was now just board control. |
By now I knew who would win and I just played for his sake. He wanted to play it out. |
Hellturky came in and flamed knight and vypers, in result, nothing even damaged. PAH! |
His left flank tried to retaliate and ran and shot on the units with NO luck. of course not the Multi-melta. |
Here is just another PUNCH THE DINOBOT IN THE FACE picture. It looks awesome when it came and tried to stomach-scratch my knight. |
I simply walked more to the right hopping on one of the containers and pew pewd as much at I could, resulting with a scatter and some dudes dead. |
The chosens charged in anger and ripped the serpent apart with swarming cultists. |
The few dude that were left on the right flank charged in and causing one vyper to be completely destroyed and one glance. |
The Champion of the chaos marine squad charged than the hellbrute with a little bit of a tip from the audience. |
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